The National Savings Division has announced the results of the Rs 750 prize bond draw for January 2025. The 101st draw was held at the State Bank of Pakistan, Banking Services Corporation (Bank) in Karachi. The event was presided over by Javed Sheikh, former Joint Director of National Savings in Karachi.
According to the official announcement, the first prize of Rs 1.5 million was awarded to the holder of bond number 271541. Meanwhile, three-second prizes of Rs5 million each were won by bond numbers 317904, 496553, and 800663.
The National Savings Division revealed details of upcoming prize bond draws. The next draws are scheduled for February 17, 2025, featuring Rs1,500 prize bonds in Multan and Rs100 prize bonds in Rawalpindi.
Under the government policy, 15 percent of the prize money will be deducted for tax filers, while non-filers will face a 30 percent deduction.
Prize bond holders eagerly await the next opportunity to test their luck in the upcoming draws.