Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz has announced significant progress in the "Apni Chhat, Apna Ghar" program, aimed at providing interest-free loans for home construction. Over 9,000 individuals have received loans worth more than Rs8.5 billion under this initiative.
Key achievements of the program include a record 4 lakh applications submitted with documents through the online portal in the shortest timeframe. 5,000 loans disbursed in Phase 1, leading to over 5,000 houses nearing completion.
Construction has commenced on homes funded by 3,000 loans issued in Phase 2.
Loan applications are being verified by three independent microfinance institutions for transparency.
According to CM Maryam Nawaz, the program aims to construct 1 lakh houses within a year and 5 lakh houses in five years. A dedicated portal (acag.punjab.gov.pk) and helpline (0800-09100) have been established to facilitate citizens.
CM Maryam Nawaz emphasized the importance of achieving the project’s targets, stating, "The state is like a mother, and a mother feels the pain of homeless children more deeply." She expressed her vision of a Punjab where no one is homeless and everyone has the comfort of their own roof.
Under the program loans will be granted purely on merit, with no recommendations.
Beneficiaries of loans up to Rs1.5 million will repay the principal amount in monthly installments of Rs14,000 over nine years.
Maryam Nawaz remarked, "Seeing the houses built under this program feels like building my own home."
She concluded by saying that "Apni Chhat, Apna Ghar" will prove to be Pakistan's best housing project, providing sustainable solutions for the homeless.