PTI leader and lawyer Sher Afzal Marwat was denied entry into Adiala Jail on Thursday to meet party Founder Imran Khan. The jail administration informed Marwat that Khan no longer recognised him as his legal representative.
According to jail officials, the PTI founder issued clear instructions prohibiting Marwat's entry into the jail and had also provided a written statement to this effect. Marwat had arrived at Gate No 5 of the jail, but was stopped and turned away by the authorities.
The administration told Marwat that Imran Khan did not recognise him as his lawyer anymore; therefore, he could not be allowed to enter the jail to meet him.
According to the prison administration, the PTI founder was informed when Marwat reached Adiala Jail to meet him, adding that Imran Khan issued clear instructions that Marwat was not his lawyer.
The reason behind this abrupt decision remains unclear.