Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi has announced the launch of the NADRA mobile app and the establishment of three new regional offices in Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Gwadar, and Gilgit-Baltistan.
He stated that the Pak-ID website will be discontinued, and all NADRA services will now be accessible through the mobile app to address challenges faced by citizens, especially overseas Pakistanis.
NADRA’s Pak-ID website to be discontinued as all services move to a mobile app. New regional offices to be established in Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Gwadar, and Gilgit-Baltistan.
According to Mohsin Naqvi, users previously faced difficulties uploading fingerprints and required documents on the website.
Furthermore, fraudulent elements were assisting in the creation of fake identity documents through counterfeit websites. Strict actions against such practices are being ensured in collaboration with other institutions.
The minister emphasized that the NADRA mobile app has been significantly improved and now provides services such as ID card applications, POC, B-forms, and FRCs. Citizens can now complete the entire process for their identity documents from the comfort of their homes using the app.
He further announced that the three new regional offices would become operational by March 31, enhancing service delivery in remote areas.
Additionally, the minister affirmed that NADRA aims to establish offices in all tehsils across the country by March 31, with only 19 tehsils remaining to be covered.