Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz inaugurated the 'Dhee Rani Program' on Saturday, marking the occasion with a mass wedding ceremony for 51 couples, including five Christian brides and grooms.
The initiative, aimed at supporting underprivileged families, represents the first of its kind in Punjab.
Addressing the ceremony, Maryam Nawaz congratulated the newlyweds, their parents, and families, expressing her heartfelt prayers for their future happiness. She prayed for the beginning of their new lives, saying attending the mass wedding of her "sons and daughters" was an emotional and delightful moment for her.
“This is an emotional moment for both the children and their parents. As much as your parents are happy today, I am equally delighted to join in your joy as a mother,” she said.
The CM personally greeted each couple, distributed congratulatory greeting cards, and offered prayers for their prosperous married lives. She remarked, “May Allah Almighty bless the start of your new lives, turning sorrows into everlasting happiness.”
CM Maryam Nawaz launched the Dhee Rani Program Greeting Card. She personally handed out the greeting cards and showered love on each bride. pic.twitter.com/iOrEF5cMwt
— PMLN (@pmln_org) January 11, 2025
As part of the program, the newlyweds were gifted essential household items, including mattresses, dinner sets, cooking utensils, and other necessities on behalf of the CM. Each couple also received a 'Dhee Rani Greeting Card', entitling them to a monetary gift (salami) of Rs100,000.
Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif personally congratulated each newlywed couple, expressing her admiration for the brides and offering heartfelt prayers for their happiness and future. pic.twitter.com/xz8yGoxtWl
— PMLN (@pmln_org) January 11, 2025
During the event, Maryam Nawaz took a keen interest in inspecting the gifts provided to the couples and participated in a group photo with the newlyweds. The Social Welfare Department provided a complimentary lunch for all attendees.
The 'Dhee Rani Program' aims to assist underprivileged families with marriage expenses while promoting social welfare and inclusivity. Maryam Nawaz emphasized the program’s significance, noting its role in fostering a supportive and caring society.
Punjab CM Maryam Nawaz Sharif inaugurated Pakistan’s first "Punjab Dhee Rani Program". It started with 51 mass weddings in Lahore's finest marriage hall.
— PMLN (@pmln_org) January 11, 2025
Among the newlyweds were five Christian couples. pic.twitter.com/O5ZxrNexXm