Freelancers in Peshawar, who once thrived in the world of online projects, are now facing significant setbacks due to slow internet speeds.
Many freelancers rely on fast internet to meet deadlines for international clients, but the ongoing internet issues have made it nearly impossible for them to deliver timely work, affecting their global business.
A few years ago, Peshawar emerged as a hub for freelancing, attracting freelancers from surrounding districts who set up bases in the city to work on international projects. However, recent internet connectivity issues have put a halt to this thriving industry, with freelancers now losing out on millions of dollars in business.
Experts in the IT sector argue that freelancing has been a major factor in reducing unemployment in Pakistan, providing a vital source of income for many.
"Due to slow internet speeds and other related issues, Pakistani freelancers are now forced to move their operations to other countries, with many opting to set up offices in Arab nations," said a freelance expert, confirming the growing trend.
The ongoing disruption has raised concerns about the future of freelancing in Pakistan, a sector that was once seen as a significant solution to the country's unemployment problem.