Khyber Pakhtukhwa Chief Secretary Nadeem Aslam Chaudhry announced that the first convoy carrying essential supplies would depart for Parachinar the next day.
He extended congratulations to the masses, especially the people of Kurram, following the finalisation of a peace agreement between Sunni and Shia communities.
Chaudhry issued a statement to appreciate the efforts of religious scholars and community leaders from both groups for facilitating the signing of the peace accord. He
He stated that the police would ensure the protection of convoys, while other law enforcement agencies would also assist. He lauded the cooperation of local leadership and security institutions, emphasising that tribal elders paved the way for peace by setting aside disputes.
The chief secretary highlighted the commitment of both provincial and federal governments to fully support the success of the agreement. He stressed that peace committees would prevent any disruptive elements from targeting the convoys or undermining the accord.
Chaudhry urged peace committees to work closely with the government and security agencies. He affirmed that authorities remained aware of the challenges faced by Kurram and prioritised the implementation of the peace agreement to alleviate public hardships.