In anticipation of the highly-awaited return of "Rick and Morty," Adult Swim has dropped a tantalizing trailer for the show's seventh season, leaving fans guessing about the new voice actor set to replace series co-creator and star, Justin Roiland.
The Emmy-award-winning animated series is set to premiere on October 15, but the identity of the new voices behind the iconic grandfather-grandson duo remains a closely guarded secret.
Roiland faced a tumultuous year, with domestic violence charges against him, later dropped, and subsequent sexual assault allegations.
Adult Swim cut ties with the actor, spurring speculation about who would step into the roles of Rick and Morty Sanchez.
During the San Diego Comic-Con panel in July, producer Steven Levy hinted at "soundalikes," assuring fans that the characters themselves would remain unchanged.
The trailer, released recently, provides a brief glimpse of what the new voices might sound like, with Morty feeling somewhat familiar but Rick raising questions.
Despite mounting curiosity, the network has opted to keep the new voice actor's identity under wraps until the October premiere, emphasizing their belief in the strength of the upcoming season and the desire to preserve the viewing experience for fans.
"Rick and Morty" fans can look forward to another season of interdimensional misadventures, family dynamics, and existential quandaries when the show returns, promising endless possibilities and the quirky humour that has made it a cult favourite.