The Punjab Police has introduced a unit of Afghan Kuchi breed dogs to bolster security at border checkposts and assist in fighting terrorism and crime.
In the initial phase, 24 Kuchi dogs have been stationed at 11 border police posts across the province. These specially trained dogs are tasked with chasing criminals, dispersing violent protesters, and providing an added layer of security at sensitive locations.
The newly recruited dogs will undergo five months of training before being deployed for regular security duties. To support this effort, the police plan to hire 10 professional dog handlers in the Riot Management Police unit to oversee the training and management of the dogs.
Officials have highlighted the strategic benefits of the deployment, stating that the dogs’ presence will significantly reduce the risk of casualties during high-stakes operations. Furthermore, the dogs are expected to play a crucial role in tracking criminals attempting to cross border areas.
In the second phase of the initiative, Punjab Police intends to acquire additional fighter dogs to disperse violent protests to expand this innovative security measure.
This is the first time that the Punjab Police has added fighter dogs to the force in addition to sniffer dogs, officials said.