In a shocking and bizarre incident, a 32-year-old man from Gujarat, India, went to extreme lengths to avoid confronting his boss about quitting his job.
Mayur Tarapara, a computer operator at a relative’s diamond company in Surat, cut off four fingers from his left hand to render himself unfit for work.
Tarapara initially reported the incident as an accident, claiming he lost his fingers after feeling dizzy and falling from his motorcycle. He told police he had passed out by the roadside, only to wake up and discover that his fingers were missing.
Authorities suspected foul play, with early theories including black magic rituals. However, inconsistencies in his story, including CCTV footage and a lack of witnesses, led police to press him further.
Eventually, Tarapara confessed to deliberately maiming himself. He revealed that he purchased a knife, drove to a secluded location on Amroli Ring Road, and severed his fingers. To prevent blood loss, he tied a rope around his arm before disposing of the knife and severed digits in a bag.
“He admitted he didn’t want to work in the diamond factory but couldn’t bring himself to say so,” a crime inspector stated.
Police recovered three of the severed fingers from the discarded bag and are investigating further to confirm the full extent of the incident.