The Pakistan Army has inaugurated the Quaid-e-Azam Football Tournament in Kotli, Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK), drawing participation from teams across all AJK districts. The tournament will continue through February 5th.
The opening ceremony attracted diverse attendance, including military officers, civil society representatives, members of the business community, schoolchildren, and various community leaders. The event featured a trophy unveiling ceremony and a ceremonial release of birds.
Teams from throughout AJK's districts are participating in the competition, which aims to provide a platform for regional athletes to showcase their sporting abilities. The tournament structure enables representation from all districts within the region.
Local players have noted the tournament's role in promoting sports culture within the area. The competition serves as a venue for youth engagement in organized athletic activities, offering opportunities for regional talent development.
The organizing committee has structured the event to run until February 5th, during which teams will compete in a series of matches to determine the tournament champion. The format allows each district team to demonstrate their capabilities throughout the competition period.
Participating athletes expressed interest in seeing similar sporting events organized in the future, highlighting the tournament's potential impact on regional sports development. The event represents an addition to the area's sporting calendar, introducing a new competitive platform for local athletes.