Residents of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa have voiced strong criticism against Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur's plan to send a tribal elders' delegation to Afghanistan, highlighting pressing local concerns that demand immediate attention.
The public's primary grievances center on critical issues affecting daily life, including rising unemployment rates, deteriorating infrastructure, lack of educational opportunities, and insufficient healthcare services.
Citizens argue that the provincial government should prioritize local development over diplomatic initiatives. They emphasize the need for concrete actions to address economic challenges and improve living conditions. Numerous public statements reflect widespread frustration, with residents expressing deep concern about the government's current approach and priorities.
The local population strongly believes that the provincial leadership should concentrate on creating employment opportunities, improving educational infrastructure, enhancing healthcare services, and restoring peace and security. Many residents articulate their willingness to remain in the province if meaningful economic opportunities were available, underlining the urgent need for local economic development and targeted interventions.
Residents have repeatedly stressed that the government should focus on tasks within their jurisdiction and provide tangible benefits to the local population. They argue that continuous diplomatic missions and negotiations with external parties should not come at the expense of addressing immediate local challenges that directly impact people's daily lives and future prospects.