Planning Minister Ahsan Iqbal said on Friday that the court had declared Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founder Imran Khan as the “certified culprit.”.
Addressing a press conference in Islamabad, Iqbal took a swipe at the opponents, saying, “The corruption is being defended by taking the support of Seeratun Nabi. The PTI was wearing the makeup of honesty.”
“Those who used to accuse others of doing corruption were themselves turned out to be the biggest thieves in the country’s history,” said Iqbal.
He stated, “This corrupt person has plundered the national wealth of the country, worth Rs64 billion.”
Also Read: '£190m corruption scandal is open-and-shut case'
Punjab Assembly Speaker Malik Ahmad Khan said on Friday that £190m corruption scandal was an open-and-shut case.
Reacting to the court's verdict, Khan said, "The sentence in the case was just, as the evidence in this case was solid."
"The law enforcement agencies of the United Kingdom had stopped the suspected transaction," he said.
Khan stated: "The UK institutions had handed over the recovered money to the government of Pakistan."