In a shocking and distressing incident in Islamabad, Humayun Masood, Director of the Counter-Terrorism Wing (CTW) of the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA), has been accused of harassing, forcing into marriage, and subjecting a subordinate female officer, Assistant Director, to severe physical and mental abuse.
According to the details, the affected female officer has filed a complaint with the Federal Ombudsman for Women’s Harassment Protection, accusing Humayun Masood of misusing his senior position to harass, threaten, and coerce her into a relationship against her will.
She claims that after the forced marriage, the accused imposed inhumane conditions on her, including denying permission to have children and instructing her to keep the relationship a secret.
The complainant alleges that Masood deceived her into marriage, exploiting his power to deprive her of her rights. She further claimed that shortly after their marriage, he subjected her to physical abuse, and when she became pregnant, he forced her to have an abortion.
On December 20, 2024, according to the complainant, the Islamabad police, under his instructions, abducted her from the FIA’s official residence. She was taken to a women’s police station in a nightgown, barefoot, and without a blanket, where she endured physical and mental torture throughout the night. Her mobile phone was confiscated, and her father was forced to sign a blank document for her release.
The complainant also stated that Humayun Masood filed a false case against her and arranged for her transfer. Entry to her office and residence was restricted, and her personal belongings were removed without permission.
She has appealed to senior authorities to take action not only against the accused but also to restore her dignity and honour. The initial hearing of the case took place on January 1, 2025, at the Federal Ombudsman’s office, where the petition was accepted for investigation. This case has raised serious questions about the integrity of national institutions like FIA, and the nation’s eyes are now on the outcome of this investigation.